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Ramy K. Aziz

Postgraduate Researcher at Edwards Lab (2008-2011)

Current location: UCSD Bioengineering 426

Phone: +1 (858) 822 1144

Email: raziz1ATgmailDOTcom

Ramy’s section in Edwards Lab Blog

on Twitter (azizrk); Scholar; Mendeley; Researcher ID: B-2918-2009

Other blogs:

Bio (updated on 11/11/11)

Ramy finds it weird to refer to himself in the third person and thinks that bios written in third person—like many other aspects of scientific writing—are pretentious because they are almost always written by the “first person.” Thus, I will write my bio using the first person “I.”


– I am currently a Visiting Scientist at UCSD’s Systems Biology Research Group (AKA Palsson lab). I also hold a tenured Assistant Professor position in the Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University (FOPCU).

– I have been in-and-out the Edwards lab between April 2008 and September 2011. During that period, though, my position (or affiliation) and my physical position (location) have changed a few times.  One of the most common questions I get asked is: “where are you exactly working?” The right answer is: online!

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