Monthly Archives: June 2017

2017 Metagenomics Workshop Registration

Once again we are offering a one week workshop on metagenomics data analysis at San Diego State University from June 26th to June 30th. The course will have a focus on random metagenomics sequencing and data analysis (not 16S sequencing). The course will cover sequencing technologies and sequencing approaches, data analysis using the linux command line, paired end sequencing, sequence assembly, mapping reads and visualization, population genomics, and extracting data from the sequence read archive. If you are interested, click the read more.

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CAMI challenge datasets

CAMI (Critical Assessment of Metagenome Interpretation) is a community-led initiative designed to help tackle the problems faced by metagenomics analyses, aiming for an independent, comprehensive and bias-free evaluation of these metagenomics pipelines [source]. As part of the challenge, several simulated datasets were generated in order to evaluate each of the assembly, profiling, and binning tools submitted for review. Three distinct datasets were generated simulating microbiomes of varying complexities: low, medium, and high complexity. A pre-print version of the CAMI manuscript can be found on bioRxiv here:
This blog post contains links to the binning and profiling results for those datasets. Continue reading