Monthly Archives: October 2024

Migrating from snakemake 7 to snakemake 8

I finally bit the bullet and migrated from snakemake 7 to snakemake 8. The short answer its not too hard!

First, install the executor plugin for snakemake using mamba:

mamba install snakemake-executor-plugin-cluster-generic

Next, edit your config file and change the following:

If you have a cluster: section, change that to cluster-generic-submit-cmd:

Add the line:

executor: cluster-generic

You need to remove these lines if you have them:


Here is my current snakemake config file

# non-slurm settings

conda-prefix: ~/.config/snakemake/conda/

# slurm settings

jobs: 600

executor: cluster-generic
  mkdir -p logs_slurm/{rule} &&

  - mem_mb=2000
  - runtime=7200
  - load_superfocus=0
  - load_kraken=0
  - load_onehundred=0

resources: [load_superfocus=100, load_kraken=100, load_onehundred=100]
local-cores: 32
latency-wait: 60
shadow-prefix: /scratch/user/edwa0468
keep-going: False
max-jobs-per-second: 20
max-status-checks-per-second: 10
scheduler: greedy

restart-times: 1