Lab meeting schedule in this Google spreadsheet

Lab meeting schedule in this Google spreadsheet
The San Diego Chapter of the ARCS (Achievement Rewards for College Scientists) Foundation is one of 17 chapters that are dedicated to helping the best and brightest United States students by providing scholar awards in the natural sciences, medicine, and engineering. For academic year 2009-2010, ARCS Foundation chapters contributed $4,000,961 to 519 students at 52 colleges and universities.
Graduate and Research Affairs is accepting applications for the Inamori Fellowship Program. Dr. Kazuo Inamori, founder of Kyocera Corporation, has contributed funds to SDSU that our office will use to provide stipends to degree-seeking graduate students. Ten Inamori Fellowships are awarded annually in open competition.
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The GSC is inviting applications for the Fall CGU Travel Awards.
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The CSUPERB Travel Grants Programs support CSU faculty and student travel to biotechnology-related professional meetings and workshops or to collect biotechnology research data at specialized shared instrumentation facilities or research sites.
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The Graduate Student Travel Fund (GSTF) supports travel associated with scholarly research and creative activities.
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