it includes IUPAC consensus characters:
sub reverse_complement () {
my $new = $_[0];
$new =~ tr/acgtrymkbdhvACGTRYMKBDHV/tgcayrkmvhdbTGCAYRKMVHDB/;
$new = reverse ($new);
return ($new); }
it includes IUPAC consensus characters:
sub reverse_complement () {
my $new = $_[0];
$new =~ tr/acgtrymkbdhvACGTRYMKBDHV/tgcayrkmvhdbTGCAYRKMVHDB/;
$new = reverse ($new);
return ($new); }
Please use the tools Q&A site ( if you have any question related to the tools listed below.
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Tools for metagenomic and metatranscriptomic data
Tools for genomic data
Tools for phage data
Tools for mobile and other handheld devices
Tools for coral reef biology
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PRINSEQ A sequence processing tool that can be used to filter, reformat and trim genomic and metagenomic sequence data. It generates summary statistics of the input in graphical and tabular format that can be used for quality control steps. PRINSEQ is available as both standalone and web-based version. |
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TagCleaner Tool to automatically detect and efficiently remove tag sequences (e.g. WTA or MID tags) from metagenomic datasets. TagCleaner is available as both standalone and web-based version. |
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DeconSeq Tool to automatically detect and efficiently remove any type of known sequence contamination from metagenomic datasets. The tool uses a modified version of the BWA-SW aligner and can be applied to longer-read datasets (150+bp read length). DeconSeq is available as both standalone and web-based version. |
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riboPicker Tool to automatically identify and efficiently remove rRNA-like sequences from metatranscriptomic datasets. The tool was designed to process longer-read datasets (150+bp read length), but works on 100+bp reads too. riboPicker is available as both standalone and web-based version. |
Xipe-Totec A statistical tool written by Beltran Rodriguez in Forest Rohwer’s lab. We used it to analyze the first pyrosequencing-based metagenomes (from the Soudan Mine in Minnesota) and the original Sargasso Samples from Venter. You can download the source code of Xipe-totec, or use the online version of the tool. |
RTMg Metagenome annotation services across several platforms of technology, which include CGI scripting and web services (RTMg.web), the new Android cell phone operating system (RTMg.mob), and all OpenSocial-based social network sites (RTMg.os) |
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SEED database tools The SEED database of microbial genomes is used in many projects. We work with our colleagues at Argonne National Laboratory to develop the SEED and tools that access and use it. |
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crAss: Reference-independent comparative metagenomics using cross-assembly crAss is a web tool for comparative metagenomics using cross-assembly. |
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FOCUS: An Alignment-Free Model To Identify Organisms In Metagenomes Using Non-Negative Least Squares UsageFOCUS, an innovative and agile model to profile and report organisms present in metagenomic samples based on composition usage without sequence length dependencies. | |
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SUPER-FOCUS: An agile homology-based approach using a reduced SEED database to report the subsystems present in metagenomic samples and profile their abundances. | |
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CCOM: This web-based tool is used to reconstruct the uncultured genome from environmental samples. |
Scaffold_builder Software to order contigs generated by draft sequencing along a reference sequence. Gaps are filled with N’s and small overlaps are aligned with Muscle and the consensus created with IUPAC codes. Scaffold_builder can help in the assembly and annotation of genomes by revealing what is missing and allowing targeted sequencing to close those gaps. |
PhAnToMe We are developing the PHage ANnotation TOols and MEthods (PhAnToME) site in collaboration with researchers in Arizona, Florida, and Virginia. Most of those tools are being released through that website. |
PHACTS PHAge Classification Tool Set or PHACTS is a web based program that is used to calculate whether a phage is lytic or lysogenic. |
Phage Proteomic Tree A phylogentic classic that is so good its in text books! |
The Phage SEED Database for annotating and comparing phage genomes. |
The Phage Biobike A graphical programming language for non-computer scientists to analyze biological data. |
Phage Eco-Locator Tool to identify phages in metagenomes. |
PhiSpy A novel algorithm for finding prophages in microbial genomes that combines similarity-based and composition-based strategies. |
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Mobile Metagenomics An app that allows you to annotate metagenomes using android phones. The source code is hosted on Google Code. Also check out our youtube video! |
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GenomeSearch An interactive app for searching genomes at the SEED. |
PVCam Documentation for a tool which handles custom capture, save, and viewing of images taken with an Allied Vision Technologies camera. Source code is available on github at: |
Coral Reef Photography New software that allows you to analyze images from coral reefs and identify movement from the background noise. |
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(1) Convert the poster file into a PDF file
(2) Create a screen capture of the PDF file (e.g. import the PDF to Photoshop) and save it as GIF file with the longest dimension being 200px
(3) Copy the PDF file to the server under /var/www/html/labsite/media/poster/
(4) Copy the GIF file to the server under /var/www/html/labsite/images/stories/poster/
(5) Add the new poster image and description to the poster web page (make sure it is added to the correct year)
That’s it!
Our recent expedition to the Abrolhos Islands off the coast of Brazil was featured on Good News on RedeTV! You can watch the full video on the RedeTV! website, or below. This show also includes an Ion Torrent, if you are watching carefully. The show is in two parts because you can’t get all that corally goodness in just one segment.
Here are the shows on RedeTv’s website: Part 1 and Part 2, and a local version is below.
UniRef100 is another non-redundant database. In this post, I describe how to map the UniRef100 proteins to the proteins in the phantome database and get the subsystems for each.
This is similar to the description of how to map things to the SEED using the SEED servers, but this time we’ll download everything and do it locally.
A while ago, we developed the Real Time Metagenomics web site (aka metagenomics using k-mers) and related applications to allow rapid annotation of metagenomic sequences using the SEED subsystems. In this post we discuss how this works, and how you can use real time metagenomics, either through the web site or directly on your own computer to analyze your data.
The SEED contains most complete microbial and phage genomes, and includes an ontology built by annotators for annotators. The SEED systems contain the most complete microbial annotations anywhere.
The Gene Ontology project (GO) aims to unify annotations, but has long had a focus on eukaryotes and has repeatedly ignored prokaryotes. Tired of building tables mapping SEED functions to GO functions, this post will show you how to do so using the SEED servers, so that you may update the comparison any time you like.