Lately, I’ve been playing around with the Seaborn library and making heatmaps. The colors are usually some gradient showing highs and lows and I wanted to show how to make some of those here.

The metadata in the SRA is not all the data you can get about a run. Here is how to get more data about a run from the SRA without going to the SRA website.
Recall that in the SRA A project (SRP) has one or more samples, a sample (SRS) has one or more experiments (SRX), and an experiment has one or more runs (SRR). [source:]
How many experiments only have one run, and how many experiments have lots of runs?
Our genome-scale metabolic model software, PyFBA, has been upgraded to version 1.2 recently. With new features ranging from a new Model class to Python 3 support, this release expands the usefulness of PyFBA. Version 1.2 has been updated on our GitHub master branch and PyPI. Read further to see more details.