I have begun to use Zotero as my publication reference manager and I’ve created a new style sheet that matches what PeerJ requires for citations and references in their journal. What I did was took the APA citation style file and modified it to fit the PeerJ citation format. Please note, the style sheet only accounts for publication references and have not been modified for other types of references (webpages, books, book excerpts, etc.). See past the Read More break to find the XML code to insert into your PeerJ CSL file.
Copy the following text below into your favorite text editor and save it as peerj.csl. You can then open Zotero, go to Options and view the Citation tab. There you will see a Styles tab where you can add a new style. Here you can upload your peerj.csl file.
If you want to download the CSL file, you can find it here: http://edwards.sdsu.edu/~dcuevas/peerj.csl.txt
Other styles can be found on Zotero’s website: http://www.zotero.org/styles/
As I use the PeerJ style more often and find bugs in my modified citation format, I’ll continue to update it here. Enjoy!
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>
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<!–change to label variable=”section” as that becomes available –>
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<!–change to label variable=”section” as that becomes available –>
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