We use Google Scholar a lot to search the literature, but also to track our own works. Several grant administration systems use ORCID to retrieve citations. Here is how you can “easily” update ORCID with all your citations from Google Scholar.
The overall approach is to download your citations from Google Scholar and ORCID in bibtex format, and then compare the two files and find papers that are in one but not the other. You can then import the missing references.
Download all your Google Scholar Citations
Navigate to your Google Scholar profile, and check the box next to TITLE this will change the title to include an EXPORT option.
Before selecting anything:

After selecting that checkbox:

Click on export and a new pop-up will show with some export choices. Choose BIBTEX. amd then a new window will appear:

Choose Export all my articles.
This will open a page with all your articles listed as plain text. Right (or ctrl/cmd-) click anywhere on that window and choose Save As…
This will save your citations to a file called (by default) citations.txt
. You can change that name if you wish, but I’m going to use it below.
Export all your ORCID citations
We do something similar on ORCID. Scroll down until you see the Works bar:

And click where it says Export works:

Click the export button and this will download all your works as a file called works.bib by default.
Grab my python code
At the moment this requires some additional modules, but if you bug me I’ll fix it to make that easier for you to install!
You should get this python code that will compare Google and ORC ID citations.
Now, you just run that using:
python3 orcid_vs_google.py -g citations.txt -o works.bib -v
The code makes two new files:
- refs_google_not_orcid.bib
- refs_orcid_not_google.bib
The first is references in Google not in ORC ID, and the second is the other way around.
Head back to ORCID and instead of exporting references, you can choose Add works and then bibtex to import them.