Right before I left the lab yesterday, I uploaded from the Android Emulator to Octopussy successfully. Daniel was here, he’s my witness.
Today, it doesn’t work, which is super awesome. It isn’t a matter of computer goblins or anything like that though, the Android Emulator was running a pseudo-SD card which I had manually pushed my test file onto. That is the only thing that changed from yesterday to today, so something has gone wrong with the file system. I’ve been making some attempts to get away from using the SD cards for my testing, because it is a bit unpredictable.
I wrote some code to generate files based on user input, but I’m getting the same crashes from that as I do from the SDcard version. I have a feeling it has something to do with file permissions, because when I browse the emulator’s file system with DDMS, the permissions on files I’ve pushed are all weird and different from other ones on the phone. I started having some issues yesterday with command line sdcard management, and I switched to direct code/DDMS options, which is probably why it is acting all weird.
Once again I’m really hoping I can get it up and running soon! It was really exciting to see it run successfully yesterday, and pretty disappointing to have it crash today 🙁