Converting FASTQ to FASTA and QUAL

Since I couldn’t find one readily available anywhere online, I wrote a small PERL script to split a FASTQ file into two files: a FASTA and a QUAL file. Click above to view more.

use strict;

my $usage = "Use: $0 input.fastqn";

if (scalar @ARGV != 1) { die $usage; }
if (! (open (IN, "<$ARGV[0]"))) { die "Can't open $ARGV[0]: $!n"; }
if (-e "$ARGV[0].fasta") { die "$ARGV[0].fasta extists - please remove or renamen"; }
if (-e "$ARGV[0].qual") { die "$ARGV[0].qual extists - please remove or renamen"; }
if (! (open (FASTA, ">$ARGV[0].fasta"))) { die "Can't write to $ARGV[0].fasta: $!n"; }
if (! (open (QUAL, ">$ARGV[0].qual"))) { die "Can't write to $ARGV[0].qual: $!n"; }

my $id = "";
my $seq = "";
my $qual = "";
my $line = ;
if ($line !~ /@/) { die "$ARGV[0] does not look like a FASTQ file (it should start with @)n"; }
while ($line =~ s/^@//o) {
chomp ($line);
my $id = $line;
$line = ;
while ($line !~ s/^+//o) {
chomp ($line);
$seq .= $line;
$line = ; }
chomp ($line);
if (($line =~ /S/o) && ($line ne $id)) { die "ID of $id not followed by same identifier for quality scoresn"; }
$line = ;
while (length ($qual) < length ($seq)) {
chomp ($line);
$qual .= $line;
$line = ; }
print FASTA ">$idn$seqn";
print QUAL ">$idn";
my @a = split //o, $qual;
foreach my $i (@a) {
my $q = 10 * log (1 + 10 ** ((ord ($i) - 64) / 10)) / log (10);
printf QUAL "%1.0f ", $q; }
print QUAL "n";
$id = "";
$seq = "";
$qual = ""; }