This post will consist of mainly links to guides which I used in setting up my development environment to write Android apps.
Step 1. Install Eclipse as per usual (I always install the Classic package, but I’m not sure if that is the best way to go)
Step 2. Download the Android SDK (I don’t think it matters where you unzip it to, as long as you can find it later)
Step 3. Follow set up instructions
Step 4. Learn about how to create and run Android projects
A few gotchas:
Android has a built in JSON feature which is explained here:
Java does not ordinarily have JSON packages included (as far as I know), and if you include json_simple or similar packages, Eclipse will no longer recognize the Android JSON package.
This happened to me, and I had trouble figuring out how to tell Eclipse to ignore the package I no longer wanted. An easy work-around is to remake your project and copy/paste source files.